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Ginger and sweet potato dessert

March 18, 2012

Here is the recipe for another culinary delight: ‘tom king man thet’ (ginger and sweet potato soup) which is a dessert.

1. Boil 5 dl of water.

2. Peel four red sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas, Convolvulaceae) called ‘man thet dhaeng’ in Thai. The size can vary greatly, but each of the sweet potatoes used here were the size they could be hidden between your palms.

3. Slice the sweet potatoes into 5-10 mm thick slices.

4. Peel and slice a fresh ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceae) called ‘king’ in Thai. The size was similar to that of the sweet potato.

5. Boil sweet potato and ginger together until they are soft.

6. Dissolve about 1 dl of sugar.

7. Add about 1 dl of coconut milk.


Ketsanee, Dokmai Garden

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